Recently rated Good with Outstanding Features by Ofsted, St. Francis Xavier Sixth Form College is a dynamic and ambitious Sixth Form College, close to both the City of London and the West End. We thrive on our many engagements and connections with higher education, with employers and with external agencies and we relish the challenge of working out how best to equip our young people to compete and flourish in the future. The College achieves excellent standards and is proud to support many young people from non-traditional backgrounds to successful progression to higher education and to employment.
Our November 2023 Ofsted report states:
'Leaders are considerate of staff workload when planning changes. For example, leaders allocate teachers well-being time on Friday afternoons and teachers have protected time for training and to mark internal assessments. Teachers appreciate
that opportunities for professional development do not come at the cost of increased workload. Staff feel well cared for and support leaders in the promotion of a culture of continuous improvement'.

At St. Francis Xavier Sixth Form College, we welcome applications from all sectors of the community, particularly from disabled people and those from ethnic minorities.
Click here to find out about teacher training at St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College