Fitness Suite
Our state of the art fitness suite is free for all students to use. We have a large range of exercise machines, weights and gym equipment. Students, once an induction is completed, are free to use the gym during the timetabled gym hours where a gym instructor will be available to give advice on exercise and how to use the equipment safely. We also have dedicated “Girls Only Gym Sessions” run by a female instructor.
Sports Teams
Girls' Football: Our girls' team is currently second in the AOC Women's Futsal League. Training takes place weekly and all abilities are welcome.
Boys' Football: Try outs for the boys' team take place at the beginning of the academic year; in previous years our St. Francis Xavier Sixth Form College boys' team had the chance to play Futsal at the Copperbox Olympic arena. Aside from the official College team, we have recreational football, indoor futsal, 7-a-side, Intramural Games and Staff vs. Student tournaments.
Basketball: Recreational ‘just play’ basketball sessions take place weekly. For those who want some competition we have both mens' and women’s teams, who play competitive matches weekly. The womens' basketball team are currently reigning 3 vs. 3 champions for the second year running.
Sports Clubs & Trips
Weekly sports activities have included trampolining, dodgeball, badminton, BoxFit, Bashment Zumba and Taekwondo & self-defence classes.
Off-site sports trips have included Ice Skating, Flip Out and Go Ape.
If students have any particular sports they would like to get involved in that we do not offer they are always welcome to speak to our Sports Department to start up a new club!
Active Lives Active Minds
In 2017, St. Francis Xavier Sixth Form College was one of four London Colleges awarded funding from Sport England to put towards increasing activity among students. The fund was used to create the Active Lives Active Minds (ALAM) project, which recognises the positive impact physical activity has upon social, mental and emotional wellbeing – all key factors in our students' development. Now going into its third year, the Active Lives Active Minds project continues to deliver on its aim to keep students interested and excited in sport, going beyond what is offered during conventional secondary school PE lessons.
Student Sport Ambassadors
We offer sports leadership opportunities for students through the sports ambassador programme. Sport Ambassadors get involved in the planning, coaching, officiating & marketing of the activities on the ALAM programme.
This Girl Can
As part of the ALAM project, two of our students were selected to become part of a network of nationwide ambassadors as official ‘This Girl Can’ representatives. Tasked with the role of engaging young females in sport, they are responsible for organising activity sessions running throughout the Spring & Summer terms that appeal to fellow femail students.
“This Girl Can is a celebration of active women who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets. Funded by The National Lottery and developed by Sport England, we want to help women overcome the fear of judgement that is stopping too many women and girls from joining in.” Sport England (2017)